Quality of Service (QoS) can be defined as a set of techniques/parameters to manage network resources.
With no policies in place, network channels function on a best-effort delivery basis – that is, all the traffic across a channel would have equal priority, and so traffic packets for all applications/servers/users have the same chance of being delivered, or being dropped. In other words, since all traffic has equal priority, administrators have no flexibility in controlling traffic flow.
This is where Quality of Service (QoS) policies would help. With QoS policies in place, the administrator would be able to allocate bandwidth to business-critical applications like CRP, VoIP, databases etc, and conversely, ensuring available bandwidth is not encroached by gaming, streaming and other non-business applications. QoS policies often can be made to the following techniques:
WhatsUp Gold’s bandwidth monitoring tool offers bandwidth monitoring and management based on QoS policies. WhatsUp Gold can identify traffic trends, mark out traffic patterns (transient/seasonal spikes and valleys) and analyze network and application traffic. The information can be filtered based on hosts/interfaces/applications/traffic direction.
Additionally, WhatsUp Gold comes with comprehensive reporting features. The QoS policies can be monitored through class-based QoS reports, which offer a unified view and comparison of post-policy and pre-policy traffic. This allows administrators to study and manage QoS targets, as well as in proactively identifying saturation issues.